Saturday, March 14, 2009

Week 8: Running in paradise

As mentioned in my previous entry, we are in yosemite np for the weekend. The valley floor is at approx 4000 ft elevation above sea level but mostly flat. Makes it a good place to run especially with beautiful scenery in the backdrop, what with the spring waterfalls, gorgoeus early morning sunlight that gets reflected from the majestic granite walls.

I ran approximately for 2 hours. With few motor vehicles on the road and a pleasant weather, this rates at the top of my training experience so far.

Peace out,

Friday, March 13, 2009

Week 8: In yosemite

We are spending the weekend at yosemite national park. My saturday run this week is gonna be approx 8 miles. Am looking forward to running in the salubrious environs of the yose valley. Will keep you posted after my run. I am trying blogging via email since there is no internet connection in the room.

BTW, staying at yosemite lodge. From the patio, enjoying the view of the yosemite falls.

This is life,

Week8 : got my ass kicked at coach's workout

This week's coach work out on thursday was held at los gatos union high school as usual. The difference is that instead of running at the tracks, we ran on the trail in "indian running" formation.

4-5 people in the same wave (speed), run in 1 file. The team takes turn in leading the formation. This sounded fun but I didn't know what I was getting into. The catch is that the entire formation has to run at the speed of the leader. the front runner sets the pace.

There were 5 in our group and we were tasked to run 20 mins each way. So, if I do the math right, 80 percent of the time, one has to run at a pace somebody else sets. Man, was it grueling (especially when I was the slowest runner ;-)).

Every formation had its own coach who also functioned as mentor, cheerleader and slave driver at various times. Due to this push, I was able to stick with the formation till 36 mins. In the last switch, I ran out of breath and dropped off. I walked for 1 min and then completed the run alone. I should have just hang in there :-(

Disappointed and disgustedly yours,